Coaching – Virtual online and life on site
Focused coaching=
Achieving goals
The challenges mastered in our systemic coaching sessions
can be sustainably integrated into everyday life using holistic methods.
With the ILC potential analysis or the Lumina personality development we use two different power tools for analysis and reflection
First we discuss the goals to be achieved and then specifically chart the course. Together we decide on the best way to achieve the desired change.

The ILC Potential Analysis:
Basis for sustainable change as a leader
Professional skills are the prerequisite - soft skills are the key factors for successful leadership.
The ILC potential analysis is based on the EOS (development-oriented self-management method), a measurement method with which we can make exact statements about which resources and potentials in the area of soft skills (emotional, personal, social competence areas) are available to you for action.
The human abilities for self-direction, for self-motivation and motivation by others, for processing information, for dealing with moods and feelings are the decisive personality competences for success in professional and private life.
These abilities and potentials are measured with the ILC Potential Analysis; an individual and exact profile of all relevant characteristics of a leader is created.
More than 240 of the most important personality facets are evaluated, from which the professionally relevant, success-critical key qualifications and emotional intelligence can be derived.
Based on the ILC potential analysis, we jointly determine coaching goals and effective implementation steps that will significantly and sustainably increase your performance, resilience and flexibility.
You will receive a comprehensive written report (approx. 60 pages) with more than 80 graphically presented evaluated individual parameters.
We discuss the results with you within the chosen coaching programme.

The three development fields of the ILC that build on each other.

Self Navigation – The ability to lead oneself.
Preparatory coaching based on the ILC potential analysis to determine individual focal points and gain initial insights.
- Reflection on expectations of leaders, management and leadership as role models
- Reflection on own strengths and talents
- Impact and potential from the ILC potential analysis
- Self-management
- Developing one’s own leadership vision
- Work-life balance
- Lifelong learning and continuous development
- Dealing with feedback
Team Leadership – Leading as a Service
Leadership concept that effectively combines performance and participation according to agile principles. With the attitude of “leading as a service” we develop your leadership skills.
- Agile Management
- Servant Leadership
- Encouraging and developing employees
- Dealing with power & micro-politics
- Leading multiple hierarchical levels
- Systemic approach to the leadership situation
- Leading virtual teams
- Leading without power
- Team stages
- Self-directing groups
Business Management – The ability to lead a business unit.
Case supervision and application of new knowledge. Development of business strategies and successful methods of sustainable implementation.
- Benchmarking: the strategies and success factors of the competition.
- Initiating and shaping change processes in the company
- Grassroot change: successful methods of change navigation and empowerment
- Innovation management
- Reflecting on and shaping corporate culture
- Cost For Emotion C4E
- Silicon Valley Strategy
- Human organisational principles
- Sustainability / Environmental Friendliness
The Lumina Method for Personality Development
Working out individual talents in the team
Salestraining as a group process of the organisation
Leadership development with Lumina Leader
The 4 Lumina Principles
- Knowing yourself and being able to assess others
- Building stable relationships
- Learning to value diversity
- Achieving results together and efficiently
The Lumina programme facilitates insight and promotes dialogue within the team for deeper understanding, more effective collaboration and better results.
Lumina supports teams and people regarding:
- The Way of working together
- Flexible communication style
- Achievement of goals
- Personal contribution and strengths
- Mutual support
- Targeted development
- Leadership skills
Lumina Spark® Method
Based on a personal online questionnaire on individual behavioural preferences, a personal Lumina Portrait with Workbook is created.Situationally determined behaviours (24 qualities) are measured bottom-up and result in 8 aspects in 4 colour styles and 3 personas (natural, everyday and exaggerated personality levels).
Avoiding stereotyping results in a differentiated personality portrait that provides inspiration for personal development.
The Lumina Spark Portrait lays the foundation for individual coaching and team development and forms the basis for the Lumina Sales and Lumina Leader portraits.
The scientifically based, validated method is a further development of Jung / Big Five et al.

4 colour styles
CAREFUL BLUE Observant. Fact-oriented. Reliable.
PROMOTIVE GREEN Understanding. Team-oriented. Empathic.
INSPIRING YELLOW Sociable. Imaginative. Spontaneous.
DETERMINING RED Goal-oriented. Competitive. Proactive.

8 aspects and your motivation
Discipline-driven – Inspiration-driven
What gets you moving?
What is your driveReality-focused – Idea-focused
How do you look at the world?
What information do you take in?People-focused – Results-focused
How do you make decisions?
What do you find important?Introverted – Extraverted
What gives you energy?
Where do you invest energy?
Further applications based on Lumina Spark
Lumina Splash App Portrait
Intuitive app with free Lumina short profile
- Individual speed reading on mobile devices
- Detailed results and development suggestions
- Lumina Intro for the 8 aspects (short portrait)
- Team portrait with other team members
- Login for registered participants with contact to the consultant