Most important in the crew are skipper and cook!
Food on board has many aspects:
It must be healthy, tasty and nutritious, help against bad moods and seasickness, as well as strengthen the crew and make them happy!
This is helped by a menu that has been coordinated in advance with the fellow sailors, with lots of fresh ingredients, suitable dry provisions and tinned food. A food supply of 3 months is important for independence.
Daily cooking promotes community, health and creates a good mood. It also teaches respectful use of limited resources.
Water is very important:
Every crew member should drink 2 litres per day to stay healthy, feel well and not get seasick. That’s why we have an Aquatec water maker, filter systems and a Sodastream water bubbler for unlimited, sustainable drinking water supply without plastic bottles.

A basic overview of our provision supply
Dry storage (can be kept for months):
Pasta, flour, rice, lentils, beans, dried fruit, nuts, spices, salt, crackers, crispbread, crisps, seasickness nibbles, rusks, biscuits, sweets, chocolate bars, cereal bars, sugar, honey, syrup,
Soups, tomato sauce, stew, antipasti jars, pickles, olives, spreads (vegetarian/fish/meat), margarine, oil, vinegar, mayo, mustard, ketchup/Asia sauce, soy sauce, jam, canned fruit applesauce, cherries, etc.
Fresh storage (cool place or cool boxes):
Vegetables, salad, fruit, dairy products, yoghurt, cream, butter, cheese, mozzarella, cold cuts, smoked salmon, spreads, tofu, sprouts, fresh juice
Water and soft drinks:
Emergency supply of water in plastic bottles, juices in tetrapaks, sodas and tonics, UHT milk, oat milk.
Alcoholic drinks
(only in port):
Wine, beer, alcoholic beverages, ingredients for cocktails